Encryption and Access Controls

Encryption, which is a form of security for data, transforms information into a code that is only readable by only those with the right key. It deter cybercriminals trying to steal or harm data by making it impossible to read. It also ensures integrity and authentication, that confirms that the original data or messages have not been altered or tampered.

Most companies rely on encryption to guard confidential data from access by unauthorized parties. Numerous industries and government agencies have privacy policies, standards and regulations that require or recommend the use of strong encryption. This includes healthcare data under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, credit card information under the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard and personal data like names, addresses and Social Security numbers under the General Data Protection Regulation.

Access control limits who is able to see what data, encryption provides additional layers of security by making sure that data can be accessible to those possessing the right key. This lowers the risk of data breaches, which can result in costly penalties, lengthy lawsuits lower revenue, and tarnished reputaitons.

The use of encryption can protect data during transit and in rest. In multi-tenant structures where customer data is stored on the same hard drive as other customers and a policy of encryption like Microsoft’s Zero Standing Access will help to ensure that data cannot be accessible by Microsoft employees or other customers. Encryption complements access control to ensure that sensitive information is not accessible to anyone while it’s being transferred across the Internet or within an organisation.


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